lose weight

17 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

For many of us, the number on the scale gradually increases as we age. Fortunately, there are simple steps anyone can take to reverse weight gain, and these small strategies add up! Based on several university studies and the advice of Joel Dubose, a certified personal trainer at Dubose Fitness Centre, here are some suggestions for starting a healthier lifestyle today:

  1. Don’t lose weight too fast. Losing weight quickly puts the body into ‘starvation mode,’ which slows down the metabolism and prompts the body to eat. Lose one pound per week and reduce your calorie intake by about 500 calories per day (this number may vary from person to person).
  2. Read nutrition labels and avoid foods high in calories, sugar and sodium.
  3. Eat more fibre – it slows digestion and reduces hunger.
  4. Increase the amount of water you drink each day. Water flushes out toxins from the body and reduces appetite. Avoid sugary sodas and fruit juices, as many studies have linked the spike in obesity rates in the U.S. to sugary sodas and fruit juices.
  5. For more help with your diet, consult a dietitian or take a nutrition class.
    Limit restaurant meals (especially fast food). When eating out, ask for side dishes – they can be high in calories!
  6. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain to ‘stop’ being hungry, so eat slowly and don’t overeat. Food tastes better and lasts longer if you don’t wolf it down.
  7. Don’t let yourself be so busy with work meetings all day that you don’t have time for lunch. If you have to eat at your desk, close the door and switch off phone calls and email notifications so you can take your time and eat at your leisure.
  8. Get up from your desk and walk around for a few minutes periodically during the workday.

9.Firstly, get a full medical check-up from a trusted doctor (we like Dr Surb Guram, MD) to rule out weight gain due to medical issues. Also, research your prescriptions before your appointment so you can discuss alternatives with your doctor to see if they are causing hunger or weight gain.
10.If you are eating too much, assess your mental and emotional health. Unhappiness, depression, sadness, anger, resentment, stress and anxiety often lead to overeating. If necessary, consult a counsellor. Hypnosis can also address some of these issues (we like Dr Fredric Mau of Watermark Hypnosis).

  1. ‘Play’ with weight loss like a game. No one method works for everyone; keep trying until you find a strategy that works for you.
  1. Do at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise five days a week, as well as some weight training. You can’t ‘target’ problem areas, but the more muscle you build, the more calories your body burns.
  2. You don’t have to join an expensive gym or fitness class to stay healthy. Walking is a great, low-impact, low-cost physical activity. However, to achieve your goals faster and safer, consider hiring a competent, certified personal trainer.
  3. Get at least 7-8 hours of rest each night to promote overall health. Staring at screens can negatively affect your sleep, so cut back on electronics before bed.
  4. Don’t feel guilty about splurging a little! While on holiday, consider upping your exercise to counteract any fatty foods you may have eaten.
  5. set aside some recreational time for yourself each week. Mental health and happiness are important components of well-being.
  6. once you reach your weight goal, enjoy life. If the weight starts to bounce back, continue to diet until you get back below your desired maximum weight.

Bottom line: Healthy, sustainable weight loss is the result of many small changes and smart choices. It’s normal for your weight to fluctuate slightly from day to day, so don’t obsess over the number on the scale. Instead, live a healthy lifestyle and make adjustments as needed to achieve and maintain your optimal weight!


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